Elder Matis answered a call to come to Madagascar and teach at a Dental Seminar. This was one of our first Humaniatrian Projects that we did on our own! A fun surprise for us was that he lived in Indiana. In one of my emails I mentioned that I had a daughter that lived in Indianapolis, Indiana! The next email said - is your daughters name Taryn? Is her husband in Medical School? Do they have 2 adorable daughters? I was so excited that he knew my family! As it came time for him to leave for Mada, he asked what I needed from America and he also said he could bring stuff from Taryn. The first thing we asked him to bring was Olivia and Scarlett! That wasn't going to work so I settled on some things that they don't have here. Things like brown sugar, Good Seasons Italiane dressing packets and he also brought some yummy candy! Taryn sent pictures of the family and the girls, and a million things we asked for - like Almond Roca, Tums, and so much more! It was like Christmas when he unloaded his suitcase!
After picking him up at the airport, we came to our apt. and got to know one another. Early the next morning he left for Toamasina and his first Dental Seminar. Two days later, he was back with us! It was our first Zone Conference and we were being visited by our area President and by Elder VonReenan. The conference was wonderful! The pictures below will tell the rest of Elder Matis' visit. We spent a whole day going to 2 orphanages and a small school! He was wonderful! He taught the children about the importance of caring for their teeth so that they will have them for their life time! He used animal balloons, which they loved, and also gave each a toothbrush and a small tube of toothpaste. This has remained a favorite day of ours! His last Dental Seminar was here in Tana. He lectured to about 20 dentists and then they went to one of the dental offices and had a hands-on demonstration. It end with lunch and everyone wanting him to come back and teach about sealants for children. We loved having Elder Matis stay with us. He was so kind! It was easy to see that he loves the gospel and serving and we loved being with him!
Small meal on his first night! |
He is back from Toamasina and we are off to Zone Conference! |
We enjoyed a wonderful lunch at the Mission Home with many of our awesome missionaries ! |
Elder Asay and I first met Elder Obiama at the MTC when we were there and we have been very nexcited to meet him here in Mada! |
Our wonderful Mission Group! |
Orphanage # 1. As he was blowing up the balloon animal, one popped, hence the fingers in the ears, the smiles, and the watchful eyes! |
They paid close attention and really enjoyed the prsentation! |
After showing the best tooth brushing technique, this young fellow gave it a try! |
Everyone received a toothbrush and practiced on their teeth!
Orphanage # 2. This orphanage was further out of the city. There were no real classrooms and they set up a little table and benches outside! |
They liked having their picture taken and then seeing it! |
They were very eager to watch Dr. Matis! This was in the winter and I was always so surprised by how many children did not have shoes. |
Another toothbrushing demonstration! |
Now their turn! |
This is a little room where they eat. There are no sides on the building - just material. It was a little cold. The woman on the left is Dr. Eva. She is the Director of Dental at the Ministry of Health. She arranged our visits and spent the day with us! |
Next we came to this small school out in the countryside. |
They were really enjoying the presentation! |
Listening carefully to Dr. Matis and learning all about tooth care and toothbrusing! |
Practice time! |
They loved their toothpaste and toothbrushes! |
After it was over, they all clapped and said "Misoatra"! (Thank you) |
The woman standing is a champion for this school. When her husband died she left Europe and came back to Mada and has been running this school. She donated the land and the building and does all she can to earn money to pay the teachers. We LOVED her, she was wonderful. We hope to do a small project with her to help the school become more self-sufficient. |
Her home. She has some land here and grows food for the children and is raising small animals to sell for money for the school. |
Last stop on Dr. Matis' trip was a last Dental Seminar and hands on demonstration! |
He taught and answered questions and then they went to the dental office to practice. |
They really enjoyed him and asked him to please come back. |
We got back to pick him up and were worried we were late, but we actually made it just in time to be invited for lunch!
We really enjoyued Dr. Matis' visit and the wonderful things that were accomplished while he was here! Heavenly Father has blessed our efforts so many times and helped wonderful things to fall in to place to make good and kind things happen! Through our visits with Dr. Matis, we hope to do some small and simple things (but very needed) to be of help to these wonderful people who try to help the children here! |
So what can we and the ward do to help? Would you like us to do a shoe drive for the orphanage and send shoes? Is there something we could do to help the school? Again, what exciting times you are having. We send our love.